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Mdoka White Lip

Mdoka White Lip

Regular price $80.00 CAD
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White Lips Cichlid (Placidochromis phenochilus "Mdoka")

The White Lips Cichlid, scientifically known as Placidochromis phenochilus "Mdoka", is a highly sought-after species from Lake Malawi. Known for its striking metallic blue body and signature white lips, this Haplochromine cichlid stands out in any aquarium. Males develop a deep, shimmering blue coloration as they mature, while females retain a more subdued silver-blue hue. Their elegant appearance and peaceful nature make them a prized addition to Malawi cichlid collections.

Male vs. Female Coloration:

Mature males display a vibrant, iridescent blue body with bold white lips, giving them a dramatic contrast. Females and juveniles are more muted, often showing a silver-blue or grayish coloration with less pronounced white lips.

Behavior and Tank Requirements:

White Lips Cichlids are generally peaceful for a Hap and can be kept with other non-aggressive Malawi species. They thrive in spacious tanks with plenty of open swimming areas, as well as rocky structures for security. While they are not highly territorial, males may display dominance behaviors, especially when breeding.


Best suited with other peaceful to moderately aggressive Malawi cichlids, such as Aulonocara (Peacocks) and other Placidochromis species. Avoid keeping them with highly aggressive Haps or Mbuna, as they may become stressed.

Tank Parameters:

  • Native to: Lake Malawi, Africa
  • Max adult size: 8-10 inches (20-25 cm)
  • Diet: Carnivore (accepts high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen foods such as mysis & brine shrimp)
  • Care skill: Intermediate
  • Temperature range: 74°F - 80°F
  • pH range: 7.5 - 8.5
  • GH range: Hard water (150 ppm - 300 ppm)
  • Minimum Tank Size: 100 gallons

Introduce the White Lips Cichlid to your aquarium for an elegant and peaceful display. Their shimmering blue coloration and distinct white lips add a unique contrast to any Malawi cichlid setup.

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