Protomelas sp. Spilonotus Tanzania (Insignis Cichlid)
Protomelas sp. Spilonotus Tanzania (Insignis Cichlid)
Protomelas sp. Spilonotus Tanzania (Insignis Cichlid)
The Insignis (Protomelas sp. Spilonotus Tanzania) is a stunning cichlid native to Lake Malawi, known for its vibrant royal blue body and unique coloration. Males display a thick white blaze at the tips of their dorsal fin lapets and have striking yellow pelvic and anal fins that blend beautifully into their belly. This mid-water schooling cichlid is a captivating addition to any Malawi setup and thrives best in groups.
Male vs Female Coloration: Males exhibit more vivid colors, while females are generally less colorful and smaller in size.
Behavior and Tank Requirements: Insignis cichlids are relatively peaceful but can show aggressive tendencies, particularly during breeding. They prefer to occupy the upper water column and appreciate ample swimming space. Provide plenty of unobstructed areas for them to swim freely, mimicking their natural habitat.
Compatibility: Insignis cichlids can be housed with Malawi Haps, Malawi Peacocks, and appropriately sized Synodontis catfish. Avoid housing them with overly aggressive species.
Tank Parameters:
- Native to: Lake Malawi, Africa
- Max adult size: 10 inches
- Diet: Omnivore (high-quality flake or pellet food, supplemented with frozen or live foods)
- Care skill: Intermediate
- Temperature range: 74°F - 82°F
- pH range: 7.5 - 8.4
- GH range: Hard
- Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Introduce the Protomelas sp. Spilonotus Tanzania to your aquarium, and enjoy the striking beauty and dynamic behavior of this remarkable cichlid.